Sunday, February 22, 2009

2006 Wente Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon

2006 Wente Vineyards Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon - $13 Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay, Cali. This estate grown cabernet is medium to light red in color. The wine has aromas of fresh flowers and nutmeg. On the palate this wine is medium bodied with mild tannins and very tart. The wine is overly tart. Once the wine has been breathing for 45 minutes or so it softens slightly but the tartness of the wine is overpowering. The nose is much better than the taste. I think I've had this same wine before and same vintage and I liked it, that's why I bought it for the report but this time around it is just way too tart. I'm not sure why the big difference in the wine I tasted 2 months ago and this one. This is one that I would stay away from. I liked it before, but now for whatever reason this wine is not so good, too tart.

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